The Little Pantry
The Little Pantry is a food pantry service open to all members of the community. No referrals or pension cards are required to use this amazing service.
The program currently runs on a Thursday between 9am-11:30am
Packages available include:
20 points - $25.00
30 points - $35.00
40 points - $45.00
50 points - $55.00
Download a copy of our rego form and either drop it in on the day of the program or email to info@thegreensonwilliam.com.au
Download this week's shopping list, complete and email it to info@thegreensonwilliam.com.au
Get Involved - Donate Food & Produce
Are you a producer, farmer, retailer or someone who grows their own food? Would you like to reduce food waste by sharing surplus produce? We are always looking for donations of fresh, packaged, or frozen food, within use-by-date.
Give Back
Our program is run every week by our wonderful volunteers. They assist with taking new registrations, takings orders, packing orders, distributing orders and handing and the fruit & vegetables.
If you are passionate about helping others and would like to give back to the community please contact us below using the 'contact us" box to express your interest. A commitment of a few hours a week or fortnight is all that is required.
Groups from businesses are also welcome!
Agency Vouchers
Prepaid vouchers are available for purchase by local welfare agencies and community groups. Please contact our office for more information